ESG knowledge shared: June 2022


ESG knowledge shared: June 2022

Responsible investment is continuously evolving, driven by the research and insight that fuels new discussions. Keep up to date on your responsible investing knowledge using our external ‘top picks’ of content. See what content our team have enjoyed in the last month and access thinking across third party events, articles, video and more.

Climate change

Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown

This exclusive report from the Guardian reveals how oil and gas companies are planning hundreds of projects that undermine the 1.5C global warming goal – so-called ‘carbon bombs’. Details of the planned projects aren’t easily accessible, but the Guardian investigation shows that the plans include 195 projects that would each result in at least 1 billion of CO2 emissions over their lifetimes – equivalent to about 18 years of current global CO2 emissions. About 60% of these have already begun. The investigation also revealed that the 12 biggest companies are on track to spend $103 million every day for the rest of the decade on exploiting new oil and gas fields.

Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022: New report discredits carbon neutrality claim

Carbon Market Watch has released a report that says the tournament will not achieve a net-zero carbon footprint, despite claims it would be the first football World Cup to do so. It also says that Fifa and Qatar’s claims involve ‘creative accounting’ and are ‘misleading’, and that the calculations ignore major sources of emissions. In a statement, organisers said it was “speculative and inaccurate” to draw conclusions on their commitment.

Hell of a Steak Commercial - What's the REAL PRICE of our dinner?

This advert from non-profit organisation Vegan Friendly makes the connection between the meat industry and climate change, by setting out what resources are required to fuel our meaty diet. It first aired in Israel and is set to air soon in the UK and US.


Flying insect numbers have plunged by 60% since 2004, GB survey finds

A survey that counted splats on car registration plates in 2021 has revealed that the number of flying insects in the UK has dropped by almost 60% since 2004 – hailed by the scientists behind the survey as “terrifying” since life on Earth depends on insects. With only two large surveys conducted so far, the researchers said it was possible that those years were unusually good ones or bad ones for insects, potentially skewing the data, and so it’s vital to repeat the analysis every year to build up a long-term trend.

Labour standards

Murder, rape and abuse in Asia’s factories: the true price of fast fashion

Jeyasre Kathiravel was a 20-year old garment worker harassed, assaulted and eventually murdered in India in January 2021. Her death exposed the epidemic of violence facing workers making clothes for our high streets. In the wake of her murder, dozens of other women working at the same factory came forward to claim that they too were being harassed and assaulted. Their bravery set off a chain of events that could transform the lives of the 3,000 women working at the factory and provide a blueprint for how global fashion brands can stop the epidemic of sexual violence that has taken hold in fast fashion supply chains.


American Scandal podcast

Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? American Scandal takes listeners deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Episode series include the DuPont chemical cover-up, and Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos fraud.

9 junio 2022
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ESG knowledge shared: June 2022

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Opiniones relacionadas

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